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CFD - A Fashion Community

Community logo fo DotCFD a fashion communi
CFD - Fashion

Hi and welcome to Community.CFD. Whether you’re here as a businessperson, a clothing designer, or a fashion enthusiast, we are so glad that you are here. Community.CFD is a fashion community created by .CFD, a domain name extension standing for clothing, fashion, and design. We aim to create a group of fashion enthusiasts who can work together, build off of each other, and support one another. So many small businesses fail early on and it is typically due to lack of exposure, not the quality of the store. Also, there are a LOT of amazing ideas that never hit the market because starting a business is hard and complicated. We want to bridge those gaps and make it easier for people to have their OWN business, blog, affiliate site, whatever suits your fancy. This will create an escape from the typical 9-5, a financial gain, and a creative outlet for anyone who wants the passion

Why should you join

Well, besides that fact that it’s cool, CFD is one of the first steps in the corporate world to try and market together instead of leaving everyone for themselves. This way instead of everyone with an idea starting at ground zero, the members of the community can immediately start boosting their internet and social media traffic, putting them in the algorithm’s favor before the products even hit the market.

You are also at automatic access to other people in your field. This is amazing for two reasons:

1.) They’ve already been through every difficulty that you are having. As easy as it all seems, website builders aren’t as cut and dry as they seem, neither is quite literally any step ever in creating a business. This community gives you instant access to all the tips, tricks, and answers that you can ever need. You can easily find podcasts that can tell you answers to problems you may not have even come across yet. This is so valuable because it will save you time, frustration, and potential burn out of your business. We start our own businesses and blogs to be happy and have fun. If that goes away, there’s no point

2.) Connections connections connections. You can’t start a clothing brand or a fashion blog by yourself. You need suppliers, affiliate marketers, muses, designers, printers, we can’t be experts in everything. We hope that by joining the community, it will put you in contact with the people needed to help you succeed.

You also get access to the admin. We are here and genuinely want your business to succeed. Success for the members is success for the community. We have tons of experience starting e-commerce sites, writing blogs, going through the hardship of getting a social media following, let us help. We also have experts in business administration who can help with the nitty gritty parts that no one things to tell us until it’s too late (like taxes). Reach out to us via here, social media, email, or through the community forum. We have thousands of followers across all of our accounts and we WANT to promote CFD members. Send us your social media and we would love to feature you in story posts, TikTok and Reels segments, we may even become a paying customer ourselves.

Did I mention it’s also completely free?

How to Join

You’re here! You have already taken the first step. If you click on the menu link “Join the Community” then it will take you to a forum that you can join that has a variety of pages and direct contact to us (Julie and Page Howe). We will reach out to you upon joining, but would also love a message if you have any questions. The forum has a ton of different pages for everyone who could even imagine being part of the community. This includes places for you to promote your business and ideas, for you to request help on the step you’re on, and even a page for you to find people to collaborate with.

You can also connect to our social medias where we post information, advice, and updates on the community

Instagram: Community.CFD

Twitter: JulieJules.CFD or MyFamCFD


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